EnigmA Amiga Run 1997 February
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
374 lines
* AddUser.C
* Adds a user to a C86 installation.
* History
* 90Dec28 HAW V1 Created.
* Contents
* main() main manager
* ShowArguments() Usage stuff
* ParseFile() parses the input file
* OnOff() parses an On/Off parameter
* AddAccount() adds a new account to the system
* slideLTab() inserts account into logTab
* storeLog() stores the current log record
* crashout() fatal error handler
#include "ctdl.h" /* header file */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <proto/exec.h>
#include <dos/dos.h>
#include <pragmas/dos_pragmas.h>
#include "exec/memory.h"
#include "exec/ports.h"
#include "exec/exec.h"
extern CONFIG cfg; /* A buncha variables */
extern logBuffer logBuf; /* Pippul buffer */
extern logBuffer logTmp; /* Pippul buffer */
extern FILE *logfl; /* log file descriptor */
extern LogTable *logTab;
extern int thisLog;
extern rTable *roomTab; /* RAM index of rooms */
void ShowArguments(void);
void ParseFile(void);
void AddAccount(void);
char OnOff(char *where);
FILE *fd;
char onConsole, remoteSysop;
* main()
* This is the main manager for adduser.
int main(int, char **);
int main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
SYS_FILE tempName;
printf("Citadel Add User %s\n%s\n", VERSION_NAME, COPYRIGHT);
if (argc != 2) {
if ((fd = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL) {
printf("Couldn't open %s.\n", argv[1]);
if (!readSysTab(FALSE, TRUE)) exit(1);
makeSysName(tempName, "ctdllog.sys", &cfg.logArea);
openFile(tempName, &logfl );
return 0;
* ShowArguments()
* This function shows the arguments for adduser.
void ShowArguments()
printf("Usage: adduser <filename>\n\n");
printf("The format of the file should be as follows\n\n");
printf("User name (string)\n");
printf("Password (string)\n");
printf("Screen width (numeric, in columns)\n");
printf("Expert setting (ON or OFF)\n");
printf("Floor setting (ON or OFF)\n");
printf("Linefeeds setting (ON or OFF)\n");
printf("Display Time on messages (ON or OFF)\n");
printf("Last Old on New toggle (ON or OFF)\n");
printf("\t<last line of required data>\n");
printf("\t<following data is optional>\n");
printf("Aide setting (ON or OFF) (default to OFF)\n");
printf("Number of NULLS (numeric) (default 0)\n");
printf("Number of LD credits (numeric) (default 0)\n");
printf("Net privileges (ON or OFF) (default OFF)\n");
printf("Door privileges (ON or OFF) (default OFF)\n");
printf("Download privileges (ON or OFF) (default OFF)\n");
printf("Permanent account (ON or OFF) (default OFF)\n");
printf("Half Duplex setting (ON or OFF) (default OFF)\n");
printf("Twit setting (ON or OFF) (default OFF)\n");
printf(".ECD setting (numeric) (default 0)\n");
printf(".ECZ setting (ON or OFF) (defaults to OFF)\n");
char Required = TRUE;
* ParseFile()
* This function parses the input file.
void ParseFile(void)
char line[200], good;
int i, h;
zero_struct(logBuf.lbflags); /* zero all flags */
/* user name */
if (GetAString(line, sizeof line, fd) == NULL)
crashout("File ended abruptly while reading username.");
if (strLen(line) == 0)
crashout("Name is not long enough.");
if (strLen(line) > 19)
crashout("Name is too long.");
if (PersonExists(line) != ERROR)
crashout("Person already exists.");
strCpy(logBuf.lbname, line);
/* User password */
if (GetAString(line, sizeof line, fd) == NULL)
crashout("File ended abruptly while reading password.");
if (strLen(line) < 3)
crashout("Password is not long enough.");
if (strLen(line) > 19)
crashout("Password is too long.");
h = hash(line);
for (i = 0, good = TRUE; i < cfg.MAXLOGTAB && good; i++) {
if (h == logTab[i].ltpwhash) good = FALSE;
if (!good)
crashout("Password already exists.");
strCpy(logBuf.lbpw, line);
if (GetAString(line, sizeof line, fd) == NULL)
crashout("File ended abruptly while reading screen width.");
if (!isdigit(line[0]))
crashout("The screen width doesn't seem to be a numeral.");
logBuf.lbwidth = atoi(line);
logBuf.lbflags.EXPERT = OnOff("Expert setting");
logBuf.lbflags.FLOORS = OnOff("Floors setting");
logBuf.lbflags.LFMASK = OnOff("Linefeeds setting");
logBuf.lbflags.TIME = OnOff("Time setting");
logBuf.lbflags.OLDTOO = OnOff("Old on New display setting");
Required = FALSE;
logBuf.lbflags.AIDE = OnOff("Aide setting");
/* NULLs */
if (GetAString(line, sizeof line, fd) != NULL) {
if (!isdigit(line[0]))
crashout("The NULLs value doesn't seem to be a numeral.");
logBuf.lbnulls = atoi(line);
else logBuf.lbnulls = 0;
/* LD credits */
if (GetAString(line, sizeof line, fd) != NULL) {
if (!isdigit(line[0]))
crashout("The NULLs value doesn't seem to be a numeral.");
logBuf.credit = atoi(line);
else logBuf.credit = 0;
logBuf.lbflags.NET_PRIVS = OnOff("Net privs setting");
logBuf.lbflags.DOOR_PRIVS = OnOff("Door privs setting");
logBuf.lbflags.DL_PRIVS = OnOff("DL privs setting");
logBuf.lbflags.PERMANENT = OnOff("Permanent account setting");
logBuf.lbflags.HALF_DUP = OnOff("Half-duplex setting");
logBuf.lbflags.TWIT = OnOff("Twit setting");
/* Delay stuff */
if (GetAString(line, sizeof line, fd) != NULL) {
if (!isdigit(line[0]))
crashout("The delay value doesn't seem to be a numeral.");
logBuf.lbdelay = atoi(line);
else logBuf.lbdelay = 0;
logBuf.lbflags.ALT_RE = OnOff(".ECZ setting");
* OnOff()
* This handles parsing an On/Off parameter. If interpretation fails it
* crashes out.
char OnOff(char *where)
char line[200];
if (GetAString(line, sizeof line, fd) == NULL) {
sprintf(line, "File ended abruptly while reading %s.", where);
if (stricmp(line, "on") == SAMESTRING)
return TRUE;
if (stricmp(line, "off") == SAMESTRING)
return FALSE;
if (Required) {
sprintf(line, "Malformed value for %s.", where);
return FALSE;
* AddAccount()
* This function adds a new account to the system.
void AddAccount()
int good, ourSlot, i, g;
char tmp[30];
SYS_FILE checkHeld;
char *LCHeld = "log%d.hld";
for (good = cfg.MAXLOGTAB-1; good >= 0; good--)
if (!logTab[good].ltpermanent) break;
if (good < 0) good = cfg.MAXLOGTAB - 1; /* too bad */
ourSlot = logTab[good].ltlogSlot;
slideLTab(0, good);
logTab[0].ltlogSlot = ourSlot;
thisLog = ourSlot;
/* copy info into record: */
logBuf.lbflags.L_INUSE = TRUE;
low = cfg.newest-50;
if (cfg.oldest - low < 0x8000) low = cfg.oldest;
for (i=1; i<MAXVISIT; i++) logBuf.lbvisit[i]= low;
logBuf.lbvisit[ 0]= cfg.newest;
logBuf.lbvisit[ (MAXVISIT-1)]= cfg.oldest;
/* initialize rest of record: */
for (i = 0; i < MAXROOMS; i++) {
if (roomTab[i].rtflags.PUBLIC == 1) {
g = (roomTab[i].rtgen);
logBuf.lbgen[i] = (g << GENSHIFT) + (MAXVISIT-1);
} else {
/* set to one less */
g = (roomTab[i].rtgen + (MAXGEN-1)) % MAXGEN;
logBuf.lbgen[i] = (g << GENSHIFT) + (MAXVISIT-1);
memset(logBuf.lbMail, 0, MAIL_BULK);
/* fill in logTab entries */
i = 0;
logTab[i].ltpwhash = hash(logBuf.lbpw) ;
logTab[i].ltnmhash = hash(logBuf.lbname);
logTab[i].ltlogSlot = ourSlot ;
logTab[i].ltnewest = logBuf.lbvisit[0];
logTab[i].ltpermanent = logBuf.lbflags.PERMANENT;
#ifdef MAIL_ALSO
/* automatic mail for the new user. */
makeSysName(checkHeld, (logBuf.lbflags.EXPERT) ? "expmail.blb" :
"novmail.blb", &cfg.homeArea);
if (access(checkHeld, 0) == 0) {
i = thisRoom;
ingestFile(checkHeld, &msgBuf);
strCpy(msgBuf.mbauth, (strLen(cfg.SysopName)) ?
cfg.SysopName : "Citadel");
strCpy(msgBuf.mbto, logBuf.lbname);
if (cfg.BoolFlags.HoldOnLost) {
sprintf(tmp, LCHeld, ourSlot);
makeSysName(checkHeld, tmp, &cfg.holdArea);
* slideLTab()
* This function slides bottom N lots in logTab down. For sorting.
void slideLTab(int slot, int last)
int i;
/* open slot up: (movmem isn't guaranteed on overlaps) */
for (i = last - 1; i >= slot; i--) {
memcpy(&logTab[i + 1], logTab + i,(long)cfg.sizeLTentry);
* storeLog()
* This function stores the current log record.
void storeLog()
logTab[0].ltnewest = cfg.newest;
logBuf.lbvisit[0] = cfg.newest;
putLog(&logBuf, thisLog);
* crashout()
* Fatal error? Out we go!
void crashout(char *s)
printf("Ooops: %s\n", s);